turnaround document - translation to greek
Online Dictionary

turnaround document - translation to greek

  • [[Punched card]] turnaround document included as part of a phone bill in 1983

turnaround document         
επιστρεφόμενο έντυπο
επιστρεφόμενο έντυπο      
turnaround document
identity papers         
  • upright=1
  • Current Liechtensteiner identity document.
  • [[Bosnian identity card]]
  • Bulgarian ID card]]
  • upright=1
  • Front of a Portuguese national ID card
  • Uruguayan Cédula de Identidad
  • Argentine]] DNI Card
  • Peruvian Documento Nacional de Identidad. (2020 version, front)
  • upright=1
  • Current Colombian identity document.
  • Polish identity document, (anverse).
  • Current ID card issued by the Government of Venezuela.
  • Chilean Cédula de Identidad
  • Indonesian national identity card
  • upright=1
  • Front and reverse of the Kuwaiti national identity card
  • Current Latvian identity document.
  • Albanian electronic ID Card]] 2009
  • Front of the Macau identity card
  • Reverse of the Macau identity card
  • The [[Macedonian identity card]]
  • upright=1
  • [[Biometric]] Nepalese identity card
  • Dutch identity document, (back).
  • Dutch identity document, (anverse).
  • Current Austrian identity card.
  • upright=1
  • Estonian identity document in 2021.
  • Model of the Brazilian identity card, as of 2023.
  • Swedish identity document.
  • Russian Domestic Passport: Photo, Dates and Signature page
  • upright=1
  • upright=1
  • ID card issued in [[Taiwan]]
  • Russian Domestic Passport: front
  • Slovenian identity document.
  • (back).
  • [[Turkish identity card]]
  • Thai national identity card
  • Israeli biometric national identity card
  • UK child identity card from 1946
  • Smart ID]]
  • The reverse of the South African Smart ID
ID card; Identity Cards; Identity Card; Identity cards; Identity card; Identification card; 18 Plus Card; ID Card; ID cards; Digital national I.D.; Id-card; Digital national id; Proof of age; ID Cards; ID badge; National ID; Personal identification; Id cards; Identity papers; I.D. card; Id card; Identity documents; National ID card; ID-card; National identity card; National identification card; National identity cards; Identity controls; Identification cards; National IDs; Proof of identity; Proof Of Identity; Identification badge; Identification badges; Piece of identification; National Identity Card; Identification document; 18+ Card; Identification papers; Proof of Identity; I-D card; I-D Card; Identification documents; National identity system; National Identity Cards; Identity documentation; 🆔; ID (document); Identity documents of Canada; Documento Único de Identidad; Documento Unico de Identidad; 🪪
δελτίο ταυτότητας


(also turnround)
¦ noun
1. an abrupt or unexpected change.
2. the process of completing or the time needed to complete a task.
3. N. Amer. a space for vehicles to turn round in.


Turnaround document

A turnaround document is a document that has been output from a computer, some extra information potentially added to it, and then returned to become an input document. For example, meter cards are produced for collecting readings from gas meters, photocopiers, water meters etc. These are filled in by the customer and then returned to the company for scanning using ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) so that the system can produce the bills for the customer instead of the customer having to wait through a process, that could take some time. Earlier versions used punched cards, sometimes with mark sense technology, but nowadays, we use the internet to send payments to a credit card.